Artist's Statement
The hand engraving artistic vision I strive for is
very similar to the feelings created for a listener when hearing
classical music. In classical music there is main vein or flow, but
many developments are added as the music progresses making the sound
more interesting and beautiful. I work to engrave flowing scroll
through space in this manner, including a main flow along with
interesting motifs and tangents. I believe everyone searches for
beauty. With my engraving I try to suggest beauty for others to
I enjoy the mechanical and technical aspects of
hand engraving, from building engraving tools to the feel of a graver
effortlessly moving in my hand through the metal, creating a clean
cut. Producing something that is visually pleasing and even
musical in its finished essence, gives a great deal of satisfaction.
Knife making and metal working for me is a continuation of the
mechanical aspect of creating the work to complete the vision.
Steve J. Lindsay |